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الاثنين، 8 أبريل 2013

Political Thought of the martyr Imam Hassan al-Banna

The political project of the martyr Imam Hassan al-Banna - may God have mercy on him - one of the most important manifestations of thought comprehensive reform of Imam al-Banna,

One of the most important manifestations of thought comprehensive reform of Imam al-Banna, in light of the conviction existed in the idea, gleaned from the true Islamic jurisprudence and heritage, which took Banna them ideas and projects
, Namely, that no religion without a policy, no policy without religion.

Politics - what it means in the simplest definitions "distribution authoritarian values ​​for material and moral" - is the first tool and the president to ensure the implementation of ethical rules and organizational matters and even ideological and "worship" - if you will - and impose order on human society, including Muslims and non-Muslims; to ensure the conduct of everyday things and public affairs of this society and ensure their interests.

As for religion - who knew Imam Mohammed Abdu linguistically and the conventional that the term parallel to the policy - is the one who ensures that committed the political process and mobility humanitarian year - different tracks - by virtue of Islamic law and controls, and to ensure that a set of elements and attributes in the humanitarian community and Population, which features which represent between peace moral of Islam, namely: Justice then equality then freedom, including completely guarantee the functioning of humanism properly achieves a God behind the replacement of rights in land, and among the pillars of this message succession Almighty Creator in the land and the reconstruction of this land , and, of course, the worship of God and the establishment of Sharia in the land.

Since the man appeared on the surface of this earth, it sought to organize its affairs life and would daily, which was his main concern most of the time run just providing the means to live for a limited number of people, with the development of the human community and complexity in shape and needs of the family, even the level of tribe and clan were needed to the existence of a form of "power" Whatever for running the parish and organized interests and the application of reward and punishment and the imposition of rules that settled and agreed upon everyone to conduct their daily affairs and public lives.

The power at the time of human history nature moral and social primarily (head of the family, a large tribe and شيخها .. etc) with no complexity of the shape or the activities of groups of human manner that requires the emergence of political power in the contemporary sense of the term, but with the advent of the nation-state contemporary in its current form After reconciliation "and not Valya" signed by the major European powers in 1648 to end three centuries of religious wars and feudalism that tore apart the Roman state and the European monarchies almost all Pat would require the emergence of government manages the affairs of the human community complex.

The nation-state Kousa form of Population regular and most complete and versatile entailed the emergence of the power of a special character other than a religious nature and social or spiritual that characterized power in communities tribes and families, clans and even in society Empire Romanian;, where he was the spiritual dimension is dominant ruling power by virtue of " Papal "and the rule of the church, who were to prevail in the Romanian state, hence political power emerged the modern or contemporary sense of the concept.

Determinants of the Muslim Brotherhood project
We can say that the reform project presented by the martyr Imam Hassan al-Banna - may God have mercy on him - in the first half of the twentieth century is the project regenerative importantly perhaps in the last two centuries for a number of considerations, especially the comprehensive nature of this project, which included all aspects to be achieved and seek where to make Islamic Awakening desired and required renaissance of the nation in the current stages of the decline of civilization.

This project has not only put only on one side of the aspects, but extended to smell - the universality of the message of Islam - the various aspects of the process and spiritual concern Muslim and elevate human about it on both individual and collective, to the UN level.

This is evident by reading depth of the main tributary of the tributaries mouthpiece thought martyr Imam, a group letters that spoke in almost everything, from politics and economy and meeting and breeding, as well as aspects of the spiritual and doctrinal has evoked both theoretical and practical; so feet Imam al-Banna in his teachings and his letters theoretical foundations of the political system and the state in Islam, as well as ways to achieve them.

For these reasons Pat project Banna is approved for Islamic awakening in various pan nation even in circles is affiliated to the Muslim Brotherhood with cousins ​​and comprehensiveness of the majority walks requirements Renaissance desired for the nation, not only al-Banna in his side's spiritual, educational and social, as did the project, Imam Mohammad Abdo, or on political side "Revolutionary - kinetic" as did Jamal al-Afghani in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century, but combining this and that, adding to it a lot has collected over the years, study and work and political advocacy long.

The Islamic state project to the Imam al-Banna influenced by a range of factors that made him appear on the form in which it came, namely:

1 - the circumstances that existed at the time at the level of the general Arab and Islamic nation, cultural backwardness and scientific, economic and military .. Etc. and fragmentation.

2 - The large parts of the Arab and Muslim world under the yoke of Western colonialism direct; where European powers controlled large parts of the Arab and Islamic countries by force of arms, politics and deplete its resources and wealth and its orientation towards Western interests at various levels of political, security and military and so on.

3 - the collapse of the Islamic Caliphate in 1924 AD by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk in Turkey; than such wake-up call powerful for Muslims that last bastions and unity of the nation - as represented by the Ottoman Empire - had been destroyed; including imposes on every Muslim faithful that seeks to find a new direction for revival Islamic exceed this major setback, and then grew the Islamic state project to Imam al-Banna as an alternative to the collapse of the Islamic Caliphate.

4 - the absence of the application of Islamic law, and therefore missed the project internationalist Islamic at home and abroad, and it became clear that the absence of a strong state able to impose Islamic model inherent considered one of the most important reasons for this situation, with the fact that the imposition of Sharia and protection purposes five - first and foremost to protect religion - and work what God has revealed is the main objective behind Astkhalaffh Almighty to man on earth.

This was on an international level destruction .. At the internal level in Egypt, the state of the Egyptian state at the time - although nominally independent movie earned Egypt at that time under the Constitution of February 23, 1922 AD - was in steady decline, has died or deny the majority of symbols Egyptian national movement liberal, and thus died or scrapped projects independence and national liberation since attempts on your big in the late eighteenth century, to the revolution of 1919 and its men, and through the experience of the great Muhammad Ali and Jamal al-Din Afghani and Muhammad Abduh and Muhammad Rashid satisfaction and Mustafa Kamel and Mohammed Farid.

Hence the absence of the national project was necessary according to the natures of things appear to invite such as inviting the Muslim Brotherhood adopts this project in its various contexts, both at the country level on Egypt, Arab nationalist or Islamic Tendency.

Also, the case of political corruption that existed in Egypt at the time - both at the level palace or political parties that were more powers likely to attract, both from the Royal Palace or the part of the British colonial who was roosting on the breath of Egypt at that time, whether through temptation political or material with deviation away from its original mission of the National Employment - Banna called to draft a state of Islamic values ​​and their controls in the political mind.

The draft of the Islamic State of Banna at that time was far-sighted in that as much as the general shape of the state in Egypt and the Arab world and the Islamic post-exit colonialism, and also estimated construction requirements and the Renaissance at this stage, and saw that the Islamic state based on Sharia and related specifications references the original religion of Islam, namely the Quran and the Sunnah as well as genuine political heritage of the Islamic Caliphate state adult would be the most effective solution to the problems of the nation on the small country levels or major nationalism and internationalism and the public.

The Islamic solution, both political and social, he is the most able to treat the problem of colonialism specifically with what is available in the origins of Islam from concepts related to martyrdom and jihad; so that the formulation of all the requirements of the Islamic Action in the political project and is one of the Islamic State.

Islamic State
There clearly wrong is when many theorists who analyze political discourse and educational Imam al-Banna when their project Islamic state on the levels of the idea and the process of building and becoming the same, which they are studying what was written martyr Imam in this area directly, as in his letters three important "to the light , "and" our problems in the light of the Islamic regime "and" regime "or in his message to the Conference league fifth of the Muslim Brotherhood in the year 1938 on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the launch of the invitation of the Muslim Brotherhood.

The fact that these messages are not the only intellectual tributaries available to us from the legacy of Imam Hassan al-Banna, who spoke on the issue of the Islamic State of hand shape and controls, including the arrangements for public life, morality and localities .. Etc., it might have been the most obvious and direct in addressing such an issue, but it's not the only one.

The state mainly in political science means three things: geographical territory and boundaries, the ruling regime بعناصره different, and convicts or people which is the source of power are all beside the fourth element Submitted politics French origin Jean Bodin, a component rule government and the governed on the geographic region and borders.

With comprehensive Islamic principles and not what is political schizophrenia, including what is social, moral or otherwise in the goals and objectives and practical aspects applied to all of them .. We can all check to say that the messages of Imam al-Banna and his articles and writings and his advocacy and reform all the other poured towards the establishment of the Muslim community and then the Islamic State, when talking Banna Muslim youth or for Islamic Economics and other he is a frame to create a body of thought, organizational and practical comprehensive various aspects of life; for the establishment of the Muslim community and the Muslim state which is based on the origins of religion and belief.

That, too, on the grounds that the main objective of the project Brotherhood is to establish an Islamic state nucleus that congregate around and turn a number of other Muslim countries to revive the Islamic Caliphate on any form as an end final project Brotherhood, and the slogan President or the basic premise adopted by Imam founding project advocacy and political is that "Islam is a religion and the state," and here we are aware that the draft of the Islamic State is the main station in the Islamic project of the Muslim Brotherhood, as coined by Imam Al-Banna.

Even when reviewing the overall heritage left by Imam Al-Banna, it is noted that the issue of statehood and government الإسلاميتين it is the axis that revolved around the ideas and reactions of the Muslim Brotherhood project.

Therefore When reviewing constants thought and project Imam Banna we can monitor some of the features which relate to priorities goals and objectives set by the Imam al-Banna at this time of life the Islamic nation, and was led by strengthening the idea of ​​the Muslim League, and the restoration of the land of Islam among colonialism; prelude to the establishment the Islamic Caliphate, as well as adherence to the regulatory underpinnings of the government as stated in Islamic law.

Through reading messages Banna four aforementioned - and other writings that talked about the organizational aspects and "administrative", if you will, of the state in Islam as conceived Imam al-Banna - we find a set of principles and rules set by the establishment of an Islamic state on a sound footing, such as Shepherd missions (NDP) and the functions and importance of the Constitution and the rule of law, and the duties to save the system, to the last of these common-sense things.

The Imam Al-Banna often to the Islamic state's first talk about political reform, and the issue of the Islamic state and the duties of its appearance in the modern era, in his message titled "between yesterday and today," the Imam al-Banna for first Islamic state and the foundations and rules upon which, he said, for example, : "the rules of this social system Quranic Fadil has first Islamic state believes firmly and applied scrupulously and published in the worlds, so was the first caliph - may Allah be pleased with him - he says:" If lost me headband camel to found it in the book of God, "and he even to fight inhibitors Zakat and regards them as apostates Bhedmam this corner of the pillars of the system and say: "God, if منعوني Akala were to play for the Messenger of Allah to fight them grasped the sword my hand."

The unit was in all senses and manifestations include this emerging nation, unity social comprehensive circulate system Qur'an and the language of the Koran, and political unity comprehensive under the faithful and under the banner of the Caliphate in the capital, did not solve without that idea was the Islamic idea of ​​decentralization in the armies, and financial houses, and in the the actions of the governors;, because all that one working the doctrine of a united and under the overall guidance. "

So, select the Imam Al-Banna the first building blocks of the powerful Islamic state, and said that the format or rules of Quranic among his staff identified as al-Banna in his letter:
1 - different worship: prayer and remembrance, repentance and fasting and almsgiving .. Etc..

2 - Ethics: such as chastity and warning of luxury and the Promotion of Virtue and make the advice and the Prevention of Vice and the District of compatriot and effective and good treatment and Kamal embryogenesis moralists.

3 - Takaful: spending for the sake of God and charity; down to the level of social solidarity between the ruler and the ruled care and obedience together.

4 - building personal Muslim: cross-earning work and prohibition of the question, and to acquire science and knowledge every Muslim man and woman in the arts of life, all while fitting for him, and concern for the physical safety and the preservation of the senses, as well as pilgrimage and tourism and the journey, and the acquisition of knowledge through consideration of the kingdom of God.

5 - Jihad and Border Protection and the interests of the state: religious duty had to fight for the sake of God, and equipping fighters, and care for their families and their interests after them.

Generally these borders or the outlines of a theory of the state and features the Imam al-Banna and project Muslim Brotherhood, and elsewhere will exposed in some detail to the position of Imam al-Banna and visions of "vocabulary" of the Islamic state, such as the roles of the shepherd and the law and the Constitution, and other important issues.

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